Zeta Times

Zeta Times

Librarian Tyler Baker created a newspaper for the Zeta Chapter of Theta Chi, which debuted on Founders Day. We thank Tyler for his work to publish the first version of Zeta Times and make physical cop... ...more

Philanthropy ,Fundraising Librarian Brotherhood Alumni &Community Service

April 24, 20230 min read

Theta Chi Dodgeball Tournament

Theta Chi Dodgeball Tournament

On March 26th, Theta Chi Zeta Chapter held the 2023 Theta Chi Dodgeball Tournament. We advertised the event to our entire FSL community through social media. We were able to get 11 teams of 10 people ... ...more


March 29, 20230 min read

Scratch Ticket Tree Raffle

Scratch Ticket Tree Raffle

Theta Chi Zeta Chapter recently held its first Philanthropy event for the 2023 year. Colby Feid, the newly elected Philanthropy Chair, set up this event to help support the USO during the Holiday Seas... ...more


January 31, 20231 min read

Pie a Chi

Pie a Chi

In October, we held one of the brothers' favorite events of the semester, Pie a Chi! Pie a Chi is a Philanthropy event where students attend and donate money to get plates of whipped cream to smash in... ...more


January 31, 20230 min read

Polar Plunge for Rett's Roost

Polar Plunge for Rett's Roost

Theta Chi Zeta Chapter partnered up with TKE UNH for a polar plunge to help raise money for the Non profit Rett’s Roost. Based out of Maine, they host events for families of children with cancer. Thet... ...more


April 04, 20220 min read

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Zeta Times

Librarian Tyler Baker created a newspaper for the Zeta Chapter of Theta Chi, which debuted on Founders Day. We thank Tyler for his work to publish the first version of Zeta Times and make physical cop... ...more

Philanthropy ,Fundraising Librarian Brotherhood Alumni &Community Service

April 24, 20230 min read

Zeta Times

Theta Chi Dodgeball Tournament

On March 26th, Theta Chi Zeta Chapter held the 2023 Theta Chi Dodgeball Tournament. We advertised the event to our entire FSL community through social media. We were able to get 11 teams of 10 people ... ...more


March 29, 20230 min read

Theta Chi Dodgeball Tournament

Scratch Ticket Tree Raffle

Theta Chi Zeta Chapter recently held its first Philanthropy event for the 2023 year. Colby Feid, the newly elected Philanthropy Chair, set up this event to help support the USO during the Holiday Seas... ...more


January 31, 20231 min read

Scratch Ticket Tree Raffle

Pie a Chi

In October, we held one of the brothers' favorite events of the semester, Pie a Chi! Pie a Chi is a Philanthropy event where students attend and donate money to get plates of whipped cream to smash in... ...more


January 31, 20230 min read

Pie a Chi

Polar Plunge for Rett's Roost

Theta Chi Zeta Chapter partnered up with TKE UNH for a polar plunge to help raise money for the Non profit Rett’s Roost. Based out of Maine, they host events for families of children with cancer. Thet... ...more


April 04, 20220 min read

Polar Plunge for Rett's Roost
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